Tuesday, September 8, 2009

New UTM appliance for Digital Foundation Clients

We have been researching for the past several months to better protect our clients from the threats that are so common on the Internet that appear to be able to circumnavigate AntiVirus software.

One of the best solutions we found was to replace the typical client router with one that is called a UTM appliance (Universal Threat Management).  These appliances filter for spyware, viruses, and spam - they also provide content filtering (so you can block employees from inappropriate websites by category: ie: porn, social networking, gambling, etc).  Finally these applicances also provide intrusion prevention actively looking for common attack and Denial of Service (DoS) signatures.

At Interop 2009 we met several vendors of UTM applicances:  Sonicwall, Watchguard, and Brocade (there were at least 4 others there as well).  After learning their product line and speaking with other computer consultants we are now actively testing SonicWalls TZ-200W.  Initial tests so far have proved very exciting.

As a network admin, if you are still using a basic SOHO router you have GOT to move on.  Any router that requires a reboot, requires the admin to upload signatures, does not provide bandwith reports, require an annual signature renewal, or does not provide email alerts really should be replaced.  Basically, if you have paid less than $400 for your router it probably is lacking the protection that you can get from one of these UTM applicances I mentioned.

If you would like a product recommendation and quote, please visit our quote page and provide your Internet Connection speed and total users you have on your network.